Selecting and Managing International Student Health Insurance

The constantly changing face of healthcare in the USA makes it challenging to keep up with the latest information, let alone be charged with advising incoming international students.
With the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as PPACA or ACA) and changing J visa regulations, these last few years have exacerbated the difficulty level for those who oversee the health and safety of international students.
For the Dean, Provost, Director, Risk Manager, Advisor or other international education professional tasked with implementing insurance policies, there is no updated, comprehensive resource to guide them. Many smaller schools struggle with the issue of whether to offer a group insurance plan for international students, especially as premiums continue to rise in the wake of the ACA, and plan selection and administration can be time-consuming. Other schools have to decide whether to put international students on the same plan as domestic students, whether to offer coverage to dependents, how to direct students to appropriate individual plans, and determine what the ACA actually requires of them and their students - we address these questions and more.
We will guide you through the process of implementing a plan for your students
This best practices guide provides international education professionals with a detailed overview of the healthcare market as well as key factors to consider when choosing an insurance carrier and plan. Finally, we will guide you through the process of implementing a plan for your students and, along the way, we will address important factors to consider when answering many common threshold questions. With this guide as a starting point, you will be well on your way to implementing an informed, conscientious policy for your students and school.