The Student Health Advantage plan provides coverage for international and study abroad students, as well as their dependents, around the world outside of their Country of Residence. There are 2 levels of the plan to choose from — Standard and Platinum — that offer coverage:

The rates below are monthly and are in USD. View the rate sheet to see the daily rates. When purchasing the plan, you can pay in full for the number of days you need coverage, or you can choose to pay monthly. Coverage can be purchased for as little as 30 days, up to 365 days at one time. Please note there is a 4% administrative fee added to the below rates if you choose to pay with the monthly installment option.

Standard Plan Rates

Coverage Excluding the U.S.

Age Student Spouse Dep. Child
Under 19 $53 $310 $64
19–23 $59 $310 $64
24–30 $78 $339 $64
31–40 $119 $452 $64
41–50 $192 $463 $64
51–64 $257 $452 $64

Coverage Including the U.S.

Age Student Spouse Dep. Child
Under 19 $68 $356 $85
19–23 $89 $356 $85
24–30 $104 $394 $85
31–40 $187 $525 $85
41–50 $303 $542 $85
51–64 $405 $525 $85

Platinum Plan Rates

Coverage Excluding the U.S.

Age Student Spouse Dep. Child
Under 19 $163 $959 $176
19–23 $180 $959 $176
24–30 $237 $1,049 $176
31–40 $259 $1,398 $176
41–50 $584 $1,436 $176
51–64 $774 $1,398 $176

Coverage Including the U.S.

Age Student Spouse Dep. Child
Under 19 $207 $1,103 $234
19–23 $272 $1,103 $234
24–30 $314 $1,218 $234
31–40 $563 $1,622 $234
41–50 $921 $1,676 $234
51–64 $1,229 $1,622 $234


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