Student Secure icon

Student Secure

The StudentSecure plan provides coverage for international students and study abroad students around the world outside of their home country.

Monthly Rates

Worldwide Including the USA

Smart Budget Select Elite
Under 18 $31 $51 $99 $193
18–24 $31 $51 $99 $193
25–30 $66 $97 $225 $397
31–40 $164 $230 $503 $856
41–50 $288 $449 $894 $1,512
51–64 $389 $604 $1,206 $2,028
Sports Rider Not Available +$25 per month +$35 per month +$35 per month

Worldwide Excluding the USA

Smart Budget Select Elite
Under 18 $26 $46 $74 $135
18–24 $26 $46 $74 $135
25–30 $34 $52 $79 $136
31–40 $83 $113 $191 $320
41–50 $148 $312 $431 $718
51–64 $214 $424 $547 $914
Sports Rider Not Available +$25 per month +$35 per month +$35 per month

Daily Rates

Worldwide Including the USA

Smart Budget Select Elite
Under 18 $1.02 $1.68 $3.25 $6.35
18–24 $1.02 $1.68 $3.25 $6.35
25–30 $2.17 $3.19 $7.40 $13.05
31–40 $5.39 $7.56 $16.54 $28.14
41–50 $9.47 $14.76 $29.39 $49.71
51–64 $12.79 $19.86 $39.65 $66.67
Sports Rider Not Available +$0.82 per day +$1.15 per day +$1.15 per day

Worldwide Excluding the USA

Smart Budget Select Elite
Under 18 $0.85 $1.51 $2.43 $4.44
18–24 $0.85 $1.51 $2.43 $4.44
25–30 $1.12 $1.71 $2.60 $4.47
31–40 $2.73 $3.72 $6.28 $10.52
41–50 $4.87 $10.26 $14.17 $23.61
51–64 $7.04 $13.94 $17.98 $30.05
Sports Rider Not Available +$0.82 per day +$1.15 per day +$1.15 per day


Plan Overview Video

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